Who served as Zonal Coordinator of FECA Abia zone, in 2018?

Guest Post Emma Onyemaechi • 1 May, 2023

The person that served as the zonal coordinator of Abia zone in the 2018-2020 leadership tenure, is no other but Mr Angus Sampson. 

How did we know about this?

Mr Angus Sampson is a FECAite, of course, from Abia zone and his home chapter is FECA Ngwa Road. April 21st is his birthday and he was widely celebrated by FECAites in the zone (at least those who remembered). Some of the offices in his portfolio include:

  1. Outreach Coordinator of Ngwa Road chapter, 2014-2016 and 

  2. President of the  chapter, 2016-2018.


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